Building Cost Per Square Foot in City of Auburn, Alabama, USA – Class 2 Semi Luxury Single Family Homes, 4 Corner House.

Building Cost Per Square Foot in City of Auburn, Alabama, USA – Class 2 Semi Luxury Single Family Homes, 4 Corner House.

House for Sale in Auburn Alabama

House for Sale in Auburn Alabama, 1077 Sterling Realtor

Quality Class:  Class 2 Semi Luxury Single Family Homes

City Name:  Auburn

Zip Code:  368

State:  Alabama

Country:  USA

No. of Building Corners:  4

Construction Cost Per Square Foot of Gross Floor Area:

Unit cost rate: US$ per ft²

700 square foot home:  $308.45

800 square foot home:  $295.56

900 square foot home:  $284.88

1000 square foot home:  $275.66

1100 square foot home:  $268.50

1200 square foot home:  $262.11

1300 square foot home:  $256.45

1400 square foot home:  $251.36

1500 square foot home:  $247.52

1600 square foot home:  $243.66

1700 square foot home:  $240.35

1800 square foot home:  $237.48

2000 square floor home:  $231.99

2200 square foot home:  $228.15

2400 square foot home:  $224.18

2600 square foot home:  $221.13

2800 square foot home:  $218.36

3000 square foot home:  $216.37

3200 square foot home:  $214.53

3400 square foot home:  $212.58

3600 square foot home:  $211.18

4000 square foot home:  $208.21

4200 square foot home:  $206.32

4400 square foot home:  $204.66

4600 square foot home:  $203.26

5000 square foot home:  $201.23

Material Specifications, Cost and Classification of Residential Homes:

6 Classes of Single Family Homes in the United States

Material Cost List for Luxury Standard and Cheap Houses