The Two Leaved Standard Dimension Paper / Quantity Takeoff Sheet for Construction Estimating
The two-leaved standard dimension paper is a common quantity takeoff sheet used by professional quantity surveyors and consultancies. It is available in stores and stationers as an A4 size sheet, with or without feint ruled lines. The advantage of at two-leaved takeoff paper layout is that it saves a lot of space, and therefore you will save money. Instead of using a single-leaved document, a two-leaved document will cut down your cost per sheet by 50%, since you only need one sheet for two leaves.
A typical Vestry dimension pad is priced at £10.57 per 100 A4 sheets, so that’s £0.11 per sheet. If you have chosen two-leaved sheets, you will only need a pad with 50 A4 sheets. The cost to you will only be £5.29 per pad or £0.055 per sheet.
The economical advantage of a two-leaved sheet may also be its disadvantage to other people. It’s okay to save paper and printing expenses. One disadvantage of a two-leaved sheet is that it doesn’t provide a column for annotations where some items need to be explained in short detail. This is due to the fact that every space on the page is already being used to the maximum. If you need a sheet with a column for annotations and more space for waste calculations, the single-leaved dimension paper will be the right choice for you. Anyway, it’s always good practice to lay out necessary details and notes as well as the method of calculation on your takeoff sheet. This allows somebody to easily follow up your takeoff. During the construction stage, measurements and valuations of work done on site are carried out on a monthly basis. The consulting quantity surveying consultant and the contractor sometimes need to meet to verify quantities under dispute in the Bills of Quantities. In this case, the dimension sheets are analyzed for any measurement errors and discrepancies. If the measurer did not lay out the calculation method as well as any helpful annotations, it will take a lot of effort figuring out how the quantities were arrived at.
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 60 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $7.50
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 100 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $12.00
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 150 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $14.50
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 200 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $16.50
Layout of the Two-Leaved Standard Dimension Sheet:
Each leaf has the following columns:
First column – Timesing column (for entering multiplication factors or constants)
Second column – Dimension column
Third column – Squaring column (also known as the summation column)
Fourth column – Description column (For item descriptions and waste calculations)
The header includes fields for the Project Name, Name of Estimator, Date and Page Number.
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 60 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $7.50
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 100 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $12.00
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 150 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $14.50
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 200 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $16.50
Example of Quantities and Entries on a Two-Leaved Dimension Sheet:
Bill Item:
Open face excavation in earth, not exceeding 2m deep:
- Excavate over site to reduced level. [m3]
A 100m road is to be built on hill slope by cut and fill excavation. By referring to the drawings (Fig A), takeoff the quantities for excavation and filling.
Two lane road – 3.25m x 2 = 6.5m wide.
Add 500mm wide paved shoulders (sidewalks) on both sides – 0.5m x 2 = 1.0m
Total width of road = 6.5 + 1 = 7.5m
Cut Area:
Cross section area – base/2 x height
Triangle 1 = 13,261/2 x 1,394mm = 13.261/2 x 1.394 = 9.240m2
Volume of T1 = 9.240m2 x 100m = 924m3
Fill Area:
Triangle 2 = 13,352/2 x 2,438mm = 13.352/2 x 2.438 = 16.276m2
Volume of T2 = 16.276m2 x 100m = 1627.60m3
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 60 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $7.50
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 100 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $12.00
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 150 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $14.50
Quantity Takeoff Pad with 200 Standard Dimension Sheets [Sidebound Pad] – Buy Now on Amazon $16.50